- 11
- 2 of a kind
- 2010 Next Fair
- 2011 MDW Fair
- 2011 MDW Fair Fall Showcase
- 2011 Next Fair
- 2012 MDW Fair
- 8
- A Rod Stewart Little Richard Prince Charles Manson Family
- Acquisitions (One Night Stand: LVL3)
- Artist Run Chicago 2.0
- as a sort of cloud rather than a bubble
- At the Mercy of
- Awkward Dimensions
- Ball Bearing
- Becoming
- Bite of time, fading memory
- Box Box Box Sun Sun Sun
- Caesar’s Palace
- Circle Within a Square
- Cloud 9
- Codification
- Conspicuous Whorl
- Dial Tone
- Direct Sunlight
- Displaced Desire
- Down with Desire
- Echoes In Rain
- EDITION Chicago 2014
- Emerald City
- EXPO Chicago 2022
- Falling Short
- False Anatomies
- Fantastic Facade
- Feeble Intimacy
- Field Measure
- Five
- Fruit/Flowers/Appliances
- Germination
- Glimpses
- God and everybody
- Goodbye Turquoise
- Happy Little
- hArts for Art
- hArts for Art 3
- hArts for Art 4
- hArts for Art 5
- hArts for Art 6
- hArts for Art 7
- hArts for Haiti: Benefit Auction
- Here, Here
- Holding onto Something Slippery
- How One Becomes What One Was
- I am Not Superstitious
- I am the Queen
- Ideal Perfection
- Improbable
- In-Betweenness
- Indefinite Free Time
- Infinite Jamz
- Involuntary Object
- Just Do It Forever
- Lasting Impressions
- Limits within Limits
- Linen, Silk, and Pearls…
- Local Comfort
- Long Braids, Strong Backs
- Ltd. Wear
- Ltd.Wear2
- LtdWear3
- LtdWear4
- LtdWear5
- LtdWear6
- LVL3 @ Art on Track
- Making an Entrance
- Material Art Fair 2015
- Maybes
- MdW Fair
- Medium Cool
- Medium Cool
- messy universe
- Modular Storage
- Moments in Between
- Mud Puddling
- Mugs @ Merchandise Mart
- Never Far Away
- New Destruction
- No Joke
- No Secret
- Post Hope
- Pure Fantasy
- Quandary
- Quarterly Site #4: Registers
- Question and Answer
- Real Space
- Reduction or Something Less
- Rendering Emblems
- Rules of Engagement
- Sacred Whole
- Sad Intention
- Semblance
- Shapeshifters
- Sixth Planet from the Sun
- Soho Snug at EXPO Chicago 2023
- something blue
- Source of Origin
- Sprocket
- Starwalker
- Sugar Talk
- Suspended
- Systems at Play
- Take Me Somewhere Nice
- Talk Video To Me
- Temporal Figuration
- The Chaperone
- There is a Screen
- This is the Same as That
- Three Vertices
- Time Warp
- Timeshares
- Too Good To Be True
- Tooth for a Tooth
- Transforming Accessory
- Transposed Planes
- Tropical Depression
- Tumbled Rhyme
- Two rocks do not make a duck
- Unearthed Americana: Version 10
- UNTITLED. 2014
- Vice Grip
- VOLTA NY 2016
- Wasteland Dream
- Water Cooler
- Wayfinding
- we no longer see it
- Where is the Reward
- Whiteface
- Wingding
- Wobbly Misconduct
- x7