Tell us a little bit about yourself and what you do.
i’m nat ćmiel and maybe six other people in my head
sometimes i write music sometimes i lie in bed and look at the ceiling
What are some upcoming or current projects you are working on?
i’m helping my baby kitten grow up and working on a full length album while finishing a degree at saint martins

How did your interest in music begin?
i watched a goddess play a harp on a rock by the sea and wanted to remember that moment so i turned my memories into sound
If you had to explain your music to a stranger, what would you say?
i hope you can see the world the way i see it even for a brief moment
How has moving to London and attending CSM affected your music/art practice?
not sure
Can you describe your writing/recording process for your latest single, Pretty Bones?
i had to dive deep into a vault i didn’t really want to open up
i wanted to make that dark place a nice dream from a time that was far away
Your music is beautifully personal and passionate, where do you find most of your inspiration?
the mirror, bodies of water, dreams, my friends (both real and imagined)
Do you see your performances as an extension of your music?
performing has always been hard
i hate being seen, but i guess i have to be because human beings like to have something to latch on, something real, a real body, a real person, a real thing
What is one of the bigger challenges you and/or other musicians are struggling with these days and how do you see it developing?
i don’t know what i am doing
i’m afraid of revealing too much yet i find that its necessary because it tethers myself with reality and my place within it
music makes things easier for me, because you can project yourself onto it and i don’t have to be the center
What do you do when you’re not working on your music or art?
sleeping a lot
sometimes i do some noise stuff
watering myself